Excitement is Genetic

Every morning I set my alarm to 6:30 a.m. It may not seem early to some of you, but it is to me, and I try and absorb every moment of sleep I can get until 6:30 rolls around. I don't wake my children until 7:00, and even though they get an extra half hour snuggled under cozy covers, they don't act like 7 is much better than 6:30.

Except for days like today.

Today, my middle child was up getting his clothes on fixing himself a bowl of cereal before my alarm had a chance to make a peep. Yes, people, he was a pre-6:30 a.m. riser. And, having been blessed with three wonderful children, I have mom ears attuned to the third power. So, I heard every moment of his being awake. It seems his drawer needs some WD-40 to shush it's protest at being pulled away from the dresser, and we have giant metal spoons that must be dropped from a height of 5 feet above the china bowls that the cereal is being poured into. 6:30 a.m. went out the window, although I laid there trying to hold onto it, denying that I was awake earlier than I had to be, pep talking myself back into ten more minutes of slumber, to no avail. *sigh*

Nevertheless, I can identify with my sweet boy because he's just too excited to sleep today. His academic team is taking a field trip to one of those places where much junk food will be consumed, games will be played, tickets will be acquired, and fun will be claimed for all! He's been counting down to this day for weeks. The child who puts his shirts on backwards, can't remember to close a cabinet door after getting out the chips, who is brilliant yet so forgetful, even laid his clothes out last night! Why? Because he is overflowing with nervous energy and anticipation over what this day has in store. I can identify with him 100%. I think excitement over days like these must be genetic.

Because tomorrow we'll be at SUMMIT 9!!!!!!

Woo hoo, peeps!! The day is finally here. In less than 24 hours, I'll be sitting in Nashville surrounded by people who share the same passion as me. And we're gonna listen and learn, laugh and cry, share, take notes, praise God for all He has done and is doing to change the lives of many. And I AM EXCITED!!!

As I was laying in bed pre-6:30, my first thought was tomorrow, at this moment, I will be on the road. Right now, I'm a little twitchy as I type, grinning every now and then thinking about my trip. I have prayed over this trip with the girls, and our men have prayed along side us. I've printed out the attendees book and highlighted all the talks I'm attending; then agonized when another class offering would catch my eye and I'd think, "ooohhh...maybe I should do that one..no..yes..no..maybe?" It's kinda like a 4 year old left in a candy store with no supervision, there are too many choices and they want to eat them all! (except the licorice, no one wants those, I'm not even sure why people still make that type of candy)

So, tonight, I won't be able to sleep. Which is good, because I haven't started packing, but is bad, because people, we are leaving at 5:00 a.m. I won't even get to snuggle till 6:30 a.m. I am sorry I treated you badly 6:30, I didn't realize just how lovely you were. I'll run on an excitement rush till some time tomorrow evening, fueled by sweet sisterhood that is always found during girl trips and cups of liquid caffeine. And then I'll crash at my hotel or stay up till 2:00 a.m. talking in the dark about all the many things that are running around in our heads. Lucy, Ethel, LA and I will all be taking different classes, so we'll have information times 4. I'm not sure we can fit all that info in one van, but we're sure going to try.

Pray for us. Pray for our travel safety, pray for us to have open eyes and ears to receive all this "good stuff," pray for us not to hide it in notebooks but may it become a ministry that grows legs and walks around this world, pray for willingness and obedience on our parts. It's moments like these that make me want to give God a big ol' hug for including me in His plans. I sure am thankful He invites us to chase after Him as He moves in mighty ways, big and small.

And, just in case, you want to take a peek at what we're up to, guess what? You can! They're going to be webcasting parts of Summit, so you can join us right where you are. If you want to check it out, click right here.


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