An Invitation to Break Chains - In It to End It

When I started writing this blog, I had an idea or two. I wanted to write something personal, I wanted to share my heart, and maybe in return some one's heart would feel a tug and they too would want to step up to the plate. As part of this process, I have been praying for guidance on what to write and that God would bring things to my attention.

"Show me, Lord, that which I have shut my eyes to. Show me where I have been blind. Educate me as to what is really happening with these children, and guide me in ways I can help."

Last week, I was on Facebook, and I happened to catch a quick little spot about a favorite artist that I follow. It's amazing to think that had I been on the Internet earlier or later in the day, I might have missed it. It would have just gotten lost in the flow of all the many comings and goings of those around me. But, as it was, I clicked on the link, and this is what I found:

Slavery. This is the reality of the orphan. As if it weren't enough that these children grow up without families, without love, without security; they are prime targets for slavery. After all, who is going to look for the dirty child living on the streets or in the garbage dump that suddenly goes missing? The teenager who has no one to protect her once she has aged out of the foster care system? Desperate for food and shelter, these older children will often fall prey to those who guarantee "employment" not realizing it for the trap that it is.

It's not just a foreign problem, it's in our own backyard. It's slavery, alive and well, in the land of the free. It's global. It's boys and girls, women and men.

So what do we do?

Spread the word. Tomorrow, April 9th, the End It movement is wanting everyone to shine a light on slavery. Put it on your Facebook page, Twitter, wear a red X and when someone asks, let them know many are still bound by chains we thought were no longer there. Go to the End It website and find out more ways you can take part in helping to end slavery.

Still doesn't sound like enough?

During my bible study last week, I came upon this verse:

Asa called to the Lord his God and said, "Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O Lord, our God." 2 Chronicles 14:11

It seems that when we feel moved by the injustice in the world, we like to show it by sporting a cool t-shirt or the newest rubber band bracelet. It makes us feel like we're taking part and doing something, right? How often do we forget that the greatest power source in the world is the very One who created it. So, I'm inviting you to join me in prayer. And, I'm asking you to help me keep the night watch. When I began thinking about these precious lives, it just kept pressing in on me that they are being held down in darkness. For many, the time of day that I look forward to for peace and rest, those same hours bring them pain and suffering. So, tomorrow evening at 9:00, I'm going to pray for these children being held captive, and I'll be getting up every hour, on the hour, till 9:00 a.m. the next morning praying on their behalf.

The following is a list of things that I will be praying over. It is my hope that I will not be passing the night alone, that there would be many voices willing to join together.

Pray for:
  • The many children who are enslaved
  • The individual people who will risk their own safety to take part in freeing those enslaved - that they would be protected in their work, that God would go before them and clear the path so that many more would be reached  
  • The companies that use slave labor & the individuals who take part in sex slavery - may they be brought to light and may they be held accountable for their actions
  • The care workers who take part in the rehabilitation of those freed - that they would be a source of love and support to the hurting
  • Those who have been freed - many will carry guilt and shame for what has been done to them, even if it was beyond their control, may they be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healed
  • Those children that are prime targets for slave traders - pray for their protection and for many to step up as their protectors
  • Global government leaders -when presented with the reality that slavery still exists, may their eyes be opened and may they be moved to act
  • Organizations that work to end slavery - that the receive the personnel and financial resources they need, and that they would remain upright in all their actions
  • Yourself - What role can you play in helping bring an end to slavery? Do you need to commit to pray? Do you need to give? Do you need to act?
  • The Church - that we would heed the call to care for the oppressed and be moved to prayer and action
  • For God to show up in a mighty way in the lives of all involved


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