
  • To cherish a desire with anticipation
  • To expect with confidence: TRUST
    I adore that first definition, don't you? Anytime I see the word cherish, it makes me think of holding a small thing in my hand, cradling it gently, and doing all that I can to make sure it comes to no harm. It's near and dear to my heart, I want to see it grow and flourish. And right this moment, I have hope. A hope that I cherish, a hope rooted in a desire that stirs within me and won't allow me to leave it behind, a hope that gets me so giddy with anticipation that it makes my stomach do flip-flops.

   However, while I am living with this hope expecting  that change will take place, I can run a little low on the confidence and trust. For now, my hope and I are taking baby steps, trusting that if I walk in obedience to what I feel God has called me to do and to say, that this won't end in disaster. All confidence I have is firmly rooted in Him. On my own, I come up empty.


     If I told you I have 147 pennies, unless you are a darling 4 year-old who believes I have won the lottery, you probably think I have nothing to brag about. If I have 147 M&Ms for lunch, you begin to question my idea of healthy eating. If I have 147 pairs of shoes in my closet, well then, we might need to stage an intervention because no one needs that many shoes. No one.

   However, I speak of the 147 million orphans that are in our world. That figure takes my breath away. It literally cause a pain deep within my chest and brings tears to my eyes. 147 million lives created by Our Heavenly Father that have no home, no family, no one to read them a story and pray with them before tucking them into a warm, safe bed. They live in the streets, they live in the trash dumps, they live in the overcrowded institutions, they survive in broken homes of abuse and neglect. That number has become a fixture in my mind that I can't erase.

    If you know me, than I have probably talked to you about orphans, adoption, or foster care. It's a favorite topic of mine. I have to share because I have to hope that each of us will be moved to do something. That we won't leave this many children to die in poverty, to live a life never having lived in a home where love is abundant, to never have anyone tell them that they are precious and that their life is invaluable. Not when we could do something to change their futures. Not when God has clearly called us to "Defend the poor and the fatherless..."Psalm 82:3.

     So, it is my hope that these words will cause you to move. In small ways and big ways. In your own town and around the world. To join my family in trying to make difference to as many children as we can with the time we are given. I'm hoping to share with you our own journey in orphan care, as well as introduce you to others who join me in this endeavor, and ways that you can step out as well. Oh, that we would do everything we could to bring HOPE to the 147.


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